"Le monde souffre énormément.
Non pas à cause de la violence des gens malsains,
mais à cause du silence des gens braves "

mercredi 17 août 2011


[en attente de correction]

19 commentaires:

  1. Quelle histoire folle! O_o
    ça fait peur...

  2. J'ai du mal à comprendre comment une telle méprise a pu avoir lieu. A moins que cette fille ne parle qu'exclusivement le polonais (après tout on a bien vu des françaises qui ne parlaient pas un mots d'anglais hein :p) elle aurait pu s'expliquer sur place avec Suporn non? Je le crois assez professionnel pour réparer une erreur de calendrier si on le lui avait signalé. Ou alors elle faisait partie de ces détraquées comme on a pu aussi en voir (remember celle qui vous a pris a partie après l'épisode de téléphone et qui a révéillé tout l'étage et celui du dessus) et auquel cas peut-être le psy a émis un veto concernant sa SRS? Loin de moi l'idée de l'accabler, ce sont juste les deux seules hypothèses plausibles me venant à l'esprit. Ou alors Suporn avait abusé du saké ce qui expliquerait aussi le ratage? Bref. Je ne sais plus quoi penser. Comment aussi expliquer de telles disparités entre des résultats excellents et des ratages tout aussi remarquables?

  3. je me pose aussi toutes ces questions, mais hélas dans le cas de michele, il n'y a semble-t-il rien de plus que ça sur internet...

    je pense qu'elle parle bien anglais vu que son site était en anglais,et comme elle à saisi la justice thaie, elle est un minimum dégourdie aussi ... mais au-delà...

  4. J'imagines que tu saura rentrer en contact avec elle pour en savoir un peu plus eventuellement? :p
    Enfin bon le cas échéant j'imagine que si elle a tout supprimé c'est pour pas avoir a revenir la dessus....

  5. ouaip, et il ne reste plus de moyens de contact sur internet, de ce que j'en ai vu .... mais sait-on jamais...

  6. J'en retire plusieurs leçons :
    >Mieux vaux avoir son certif psy établi dans son pays d'origine et pas un papier de complaisance thaï, ce dernier n'ayant aucun poid juridique chez nous ( l'inverse n'est pas forcement vrai).
    >Même si l'on va chez "le meilleur", et à plus forte raison chez les autres, avoir avec soit les coordonnées des bonnes personnes à contacter sur place en cas de ratages ( président de l'ordre des chir plasti thaï, avocat local spécialisé dans ce genre de trucs etc...)
    Je me pose une question qui devrait éclairer l'histoire :
    En Thaïlande le système juridique est très inspiré du systèeme anglo-saxon. Donc, tout comme aux USA, n'y est il pas aisé de trouver un bon avocat dès lors que la cause à défendre est suceptible de raporter un max ?

  7. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  8. please prove your identity by e-mail instead of publishing anonymous comments on news, AFAIK you can be anybody

    if you really are who you say you are, i also have some questions to ask you if you don't mind

    and by the way, you are requested to use such words as "please" as no law forbids any information to be relayed in my jurisdiction, if you want to use the way of the law, the path might be much longer and much less effective than some basic courtesy

    thank you .

  9. ok, PLEASE. sorry 4 this. It's nice to see someone who likes hight principles. During my contact with clinic this in Tlailand, I recognized that word "please" is not working, not in suporn clinic. So I apologize 4 it. But please do not require from me my e-mail bec. I want to protect my privacy, bec, I dont know u and dont know what will u do with it. In futute I could use my expiriece 2help other people who thinks that Tnailand is paradise for plastic surgery. I leave in Thailanh now about 1,5 year and learned much about thai reality and mafia. ok, so please delete itm I'll be thanfull. You can keep coments but delete inside this comments my name, nationality, and invoice and petition to Court, thanks

  10. so you are in thailand now ?

    if you could send me a simple mail could we talk a bit in private? i'm curious about what really happened and it seems than some other people are as well, including those who plan to see Suporn ...

  11. yes, im still remain in thailand, suporn losed the case, but Court judge for me too small amount, it's not enougnt to cover demages after two surgeries with him. He also sued me for 50 million bath (almoust 2 mln USD), Court canceled it, and I leave an arrest for coution money, because he demand put me to jail. But privious year He arrange a smart frap 4 me in internet-caffe when I was writing this petition (above) and i was at the jail and was deported. Now I am in Hight Court level and wait for term next court meeting. Now I can not talk about it in public, bec. im in during court struggle. When I look at the websites it's many about me now, but why people talk about me so easy, and they publish my private information, my name. I had to show my face to the public and my full name on my website, but if this case not exist, i would never do it, so I also bleim suporn for it, that he destroyed my "face". And tg-comunity insted support each other, they are do injury. Of course we can talk, but who will cencel everything about me? Suporn is not good 4FFS, I know detales now, am an exp. of it, now I know what is going on. Please, anyone dont go to him for FFS. Also SRS he is not so good. I know some person after srs with suporn, and anather doctor. Do not think that if something cost hight ptice, thats mean it is a hight quality. In Thailand it is medical mafia, they know how to take money from US-patients. They use internet. I was two time patient in suporn clinic and belive me, it was any Thai patient. 90 percent are from US. But thank God, I met in thailand good doctor of good mind, and he explain me detales and he did me surgery for free, this which I needed. But now I can not tell detales.

  12. And tg-comunity insted support each other, they are do injury. Of course we can talk, but who will cencel everything about me? Suporn is not good 4FFS, I know detales now, am an exp. of it, now I know what is going on. Please, anyone dont go to him for FFS. Also SRS he is not so good. I know some person after srs with suporn, and anather doctor. Do not think that if something cost hight ptice, thats mean it is a hight quality. In Thailand it is medical mafia, they know how to take money from US-patients. They use internet. I was two time patient in suporn clinic and belive me, it was any Thai patient. 90 percent are from US. But thank God, I met in thailand good doctor of good mind, and he explain me detales and he did me surgery for free, this which I needed. But now I can not tell detales.

  13. When I look at the websites it's many about me now, but why people talk about me so easy, and they publish my private information, my name. I had to show my face to the public and my full name on my website, but if this case not exist, i would never do it, so I also bleim suporn for it, that he destroyed my "face". And tg-comunity insted support each other, they are do injury. Of course we can talk, but who will cencel everything about me? Suporn is not good 4FFS, I know detales now, am an exp. of it, now I know what is going on. Please, anyone dont go to him for FFS.

  14. . Also SRS he is not so good. I know some person after srs with suporn, and anather doctor. Do not think that if something cost hight ptice, thats mean it is a hight quality. In Thailand it is medical mafia, they know how to take money from US-patients. They use internet. I was two time patient in suporn clinic and belive me, it was any Thai patient. 90 percent are from US. But thank God, I met in thailand good doctor of good mind, and he explain me detales and he did me surgery for free, this which I needed. But now I can not tell detales.

  15. Thanks, but could you also delete all my name inside my posts, it would be grate!, thanks, and my inicial bec. in google its still exist, thanks a lot!

  16. Why u not answer, do you need consult with Sophie?

  17. i do not answer, not validate your many comments because i'm very far from my home and i don't have all day to be on internet, so do not send 5 times the same comment, it's useless, it only makes me find 5 times more messages when i connect

    also, i can't modify your comments, i can only delete them as a whole, so i can delete the posts you made including your name

    then for google, even if i delete the whole page, it will remain in google cache for a while, this is just how google works, i can't do anything about it

  18. ok we can talk, but first please delete Anonyme Apr 12, 2012 12:33 AM and also this, thanks, regards M

  19. And my Initials also please
